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Type 1
I'm always working toward being good, making things right - isn't everyone?
The Reformer (Riso/Hudson)
The Perfectionist (Palmer)
The Advocate
Main theme
- Need to be correct in order to avoid criticism and/or punishment
- Very focused on being a good person and bringing things into order
- Tendency towards being overly critical, over-worked, and resentful

Heart - Stress
Heart Point: 7, The Enthusiast
-When 1 goes to 7 the internal critic quiets
-Opens to a variety of perspectives and possibilities
-Focus of attention goes from black-or-white to gray
-Beauty of life comes through; has a sense of optimism
-Becomes more comfortable with pleasure and spontaneity

Stress Point: 4, The Individualist
-When 1 goes to 4, the internal critic works overtime
-Becomes unusually harsh, self-confidence drops
-Feels misunderstood/envious, "others have it so easy"
-Leans towards fantasy/escape; resents unmet expectations
-Becomes oversensitive, emotionally depressed, and shameful
How to get along with me...
- Be clean, orderly, considerate, & polite
- Honor your commitments, follow-through
- Establishing mutual respect is important
- No double standards, follow the rules
- Be gentle with criticism; be objective/clear
- Thank me for my hard work/what I provide
- Warm me up to change, ease into new things
- Punctuality communicates respect to me
- Ask my advice; remind me I'm OK as I am
- Validate my frustration, then help me relax
- Be willing to say you’re sorry; be direct/honest
At Work:
- Assets - Has high standards for self and others
- Objective assessment abilities; delivers results
- Will work hard toward improvement/betterment
- Is practical/systematic in implementing change
- Is responsible, handles situations with integrity
- Challenges - Learn to balance criticism/praise
- Reframe mistakes and setbacks in positive light
- Look for what is happening right/going smoothly
- Adapt to the unique context of each situation
- Move away from perfectionism/need to be right
- Be gentle with yourself; let go of past failure

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