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Type 9
Why get upset about something you can't change?
The Peacemaker (Riso/Hudson)
The Mediator (Palmer)
The Preservationist
Main theme
- Forgets self, merges with others in order to gain love and belonging
- Avoids conflict in an effort to sidestep the pain of loss and separation
- Seeks harmony/balance; leads to a loss of personal boundaries/priorities

Heart - Stress
Heart Point: 3, The Achiever
-When 9 goes to 3, they learn to feel special and important
-Gets in touch with their passion, claims their heart's desire
-Feel secure enough to display/stand behind accomplishments
-Is able to take powerful action in the world; goal-oriented
-Adopts a positive self-view; is more assertive and decisive

Stress Point: 6, The Loyalist
-When 9 goes to 6, reactivity and worry replaces passivity
-Goes to self doubt; feels a sense of frozenness/paralysis
-Seeks security in external structures that appear solid/safe
-Result of having to make decisions, or handling change/loss
-Becomes suspicious; anxiety intensifies; is more pessimistic
How to get along with me...
- Don't pressure me, I need my time and space
- Ask me my opinion before offering yours
- Remember that small conflict feels big to me
- Raised voices/angry gestures overwhelm me
- Include me, tell me why you want me there
- Open-ended questions are generally best
- Take an interest in my needs/life philosophy
- Avoid acting pretentious or condescending
- Suggest an activity when I've lost my inertia
- Be willing to sometimes veg-out with me
At Work:
- Assets – Grounded, balanced & even-keeled
- Able to step back and gain clear perspective
- Good communicators, cooperative, open
- Can work well with all sorts of individuals
- Merges diverse interests, finds commonality
- Challenges - State clearly what you want
- Establish personal positions; define your role
- Avoid "going with the flow" to avoid conflict
- Learn to fight/stay firm; don't settle for less
- Stay focused on priorities; avoid distraction

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