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Type 3
Get to the top and look good doing it.
The Achiever (Riso/Hudson)
The Performer (Palmer)
The Motivator
Main theme
- Focus on outstanding performance/being successful in other’s eyes
- Believe that love comes from achievement, image, and status
- Tendency to neglect/ignore the personal needs of self and others

Heart - Stress
Heart Point: 6, The Loyalist
-When 3 goes to 6, competition drops away; is "warmer"
-Becomes more willing to follow and not be in control
-More present and more concerned with other's feelings
-Loyalty becomes more important than deceit/gaining rank
-Teamwork and relationships become much easier

Stress Point: 9, The Peacemaker
-When 3 goes to 9, "doing" gets blocked; disengages
-Worn out quality – from failure, exhaustion, or sickness
-Displays a lack of motivation, enters a depressed state
-Finds a way to numb out (food, drink, more work etc.)
-Becomes less productive and efficient; less confident
How to get along with me...
- Carry your weight, be organized/prepared
- Don't embarrass me in public, I must save face
- Praise/compliment me; give me “ego-boosts”
- Celebrate my accomplishments/successes
- Take notice of the things I do, I do a lot
- Know emotion/introspection is hard for me
- Problem solving mode/goals put me at ease
- Avoid interrupting me while I'm working
- Don't middle me in a fight that's not mine
- Tell me you'd love me even if I did nothing
At Work:
- Assets - Able to chart a clear direction
- Communicates agenda with conviction
- Moves quickly; highly adaptable; decisive
- Outstanding capacity for harnessing energy
- Approach is confident, rational, assertive
- Surpasses goals; strong time management
- Challenges – Invest energy in relationships
- Learn cooperation, reduce competitiveness
- Pay attention to quality as well as quantity
- Take care of yourself; slow down/be mindful

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