Enneagram Subtypes Experiential


Date TBD
10:30a – 4:30p

While the 9 types of the Enneagram do a wonderful job of explaining the tools that help us survive and thrive, they do little to explain the driving forces for our lives. In this experiential style class, we’ll cultivate a felt sense of the three types of energy that create the other half of our Enneagram type.

Join us for an easy, active and fun exploration of energy types.

Basic Knowledge of the Enneagram is Required
Registration limited to 14

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People House (map)
3035 W 25th Ave
Denver, CO 80211

Enneagram Subtypes Experiential is a 6 hour workshop, which includes a working lunch. We’ll order food, or you’ll have the option to bring your own.

Each piece of theory will contain an experiential component, so that you learn from participating and diving into your direct experience. Here are a few points you’ll walk away with a clear answer to:
  • What are we really pointing to with the Enneagram subtypes?
  • Where, why and how does this energy develop?
  • How has this energy shown up in your life and relationships?
  • What does working with your “dominant subtype” and “blindspot” look like?
  • How to understand and relate more effectively to people with similar and different “energy stacks”…
  • How significantly different the same Enneagram type can look through different subtypes …
  • How your subtype interacts with your Enneagram type and why an understanding of both type and subtype is key in working with the Enneagram….
The size and structure of this class has been designed to support depth and engagement with the material. We look forward to spending Sunday with you and exploring this principal element of the Enneagram.


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